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Day Opportunity Services

ISS provides Day Opportunity Services in Nuneaton and Rugby. We support people with building based activities and community based activities. There are a wide range of opportunities for people to choose how to spend their time with us. 

Gardening in Caldicott park - Rugby

Our Day Opportunity Services are busy providing a wide range of support from our buildings and in the community.


Hand over hand support to a lady that is registered blind
using a sewing machine

Our main focus is to provide meaningful activities that support people to learn and develop skills as well as the opportunity to make friends and pursue hobbies. 

Man using a laptop
our allotment
Claire Wright
mobile phone
computer to signify email address

If you would like more information about our Nuneaton Day Opportunity Service, please contact Claire Wright on 01926 699578 or at

Kerry Kingsman
mobile phone to signify number
Computer to signify Email address

If you would like more information about our

Rugby Day Opportunity Service, please contact

Kerry Kingsman on 01788 536247 or at

                                                                   Individual Support Solutions Ltd                                                                                                                                        Registered company number 7837050
ISS Logo - individual support solutions - putting you first
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